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The Boulder Pivot

Andre Hamm

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

Due to its climate commitments and innovative culture, Boulder, CO, is uniquely situated to pave the way forward in sustainable thinking and action. Social equity and resilience are core aspects of its climate programs and policies. We see a partnership between Pivot Projects and Boulder as a key opportunity to explore how communities can align climate action with economic resilience, community preparedness with social equity, and technology with local governance. Please take a moment to review these short videos and slides, which outline some of the ways this can happen. We recommend viewing “Boulder-Reaching Out” first and then viewing “Boulder Pivots.”

Pivot Projects General Pitch

In the midst of the COVID crisis, a global gathering of volunteers is using collective intelligence and AI to create healthy prosperity for people and the planet.

Boulder - Reaching Out

What is Pivot Projects? What might a partnership between the City of Boulder and Pivot Projects look like? Let's make Boulder a lever for change and the center of climate discussion in Colorado.

Boulder Pivots

What might a Pivot Projects approach look like in greater detail? What strategy might Pivot Projects take when working with Boulder? Through a system-of-systems lens, we take a look at existing climate programs in Boulder and the issue of water in the American West.

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