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Come to the Museum of the Future Past


In an effort to awaken people to some of the crazy unsustainable stuff that we humans do, Pivot Projects has created a virtual museum, The Museum of the Future Past—or MFP, for short. It’s mostly the work of Chicago artist Michael Dinges. The MFP highlights some of the things we do but shouldn’t do through the imaginary lens of the year 2050. In the exhibits, the viewer is taken back to a time—now—when the world was/is operating unsustainably. One of the points we want to make is that everybody can be a climate activist. If you take cloth bags to the grocery store, recycle, drive an electric car, mow your lawn with a push mower, or simply turn the lights off when you leave a room, you are doing something about climate change.

Come to our event, It's Time to Pivot, scheduled for Nov. 6 at 1:45 p.m. BST in Glasgow, during the COP26 climate conference. Please register for the event here. It's time to pivot and it's time to act!



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